Posts in Statistics and Research
Interpreting Quantitative Research

Discuss how both Descriptive and Inferential Statistics are utilized in quantitative research to answer stated research questions. Explain how the data are interpreted using these techniques. And briefly discuss how the output is relayed to the reader…

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Writing a Problem Statement

The initial step in the scientific method is to identify a problem or need. Students generally identify problems for their own research in the workplace or within an area of interest. The student will identify a research problem, present the background relating to a particular research problem (or need), discuss the feasibility of building the problem into a research study, and then identifying the individuals who would most benefit from the potential study.

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The Difference between Technology and Media

What the heck is the difference between Technology and Media??? Aren’t they the same darn thing??? I can’t be the only one that thought this way!!!

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Plagiarism, the Do's and Don'ts

How fitting is it that this album is The Re-Education? and I’m writing about plagiarism. I might be the only one that finds this amusing, but hey :-)

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Types of Quantitative Research

What are the major differences between experimental, quasi experimental, and non-experimental research?

Discuss the three major conditions to meet cause and effect. Provide a typical experimental "weakness" that wouldn't allow a researcher to determine cause and effect.

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