Easy Ass Fry Bake Recipe
First, swear you won’t tell my Aunt I found a faster way to make bake!!! Wha di ass???, you think you can keep a secret??? Well, she’s always hopping from continent to continent, so she might not find out, but she’s real good with social media at 80, so I must take precautions!!!
Bake is a traditional fried bread (don’t ask) that we have in Trinidad for breakfast, usually on the weekends and for beach trips. I’m going to learn how to make the buljol that goes with it and post that too, but this was such a revelation, I couldn’t believe I pulled it off.
After what seems like a lifetime, I actually was able to duplicate my Aunt’s bread. So, little bro visited me a couple of months ago, and I gave him a loaf to take back to Cali. When he called me, he was like “what the ass???, I just realized that YOU made this bread, and it’s damn good!”
I’ve come a long way from making ‘bookies’. That’s what they called my cookies, cause they would break your teeth, and were more like biscuits. Boys. Yes, you can roll your eyes too, especially if you have brothers!
Fast forward, and even HE can’t believe he calls me for the recipe! Growth is something else, eh. Plus I’m persistent AF
1 can of coconut milk (not that lite shit)
2 teaspoons of brown sugar
3 teaspoons of butter (unsalted, preferably Irish)
4 cups of self rising flour
I mix these at 5 or 6am, and this is so quick, that you can even surprise the hell outta the kiddos by making them on a school day! All you do is mix all of the things and cover with a clean dishcloth or tea towel. Take a shower and come back to the stove. You see where the first line is on your index finger? Yeah, fill a frying pan with that amount canola or coconut oil (don’t use olive oil), and have that GOOD BUTTER ready and some guava jelly (homemade is best).
Scoop the mixture with an ice cream scooper, and fry 4 to 6 at a time, depending on the size of your pan. 90 seconds and flip over. press with a large fork to flatten, and 90-120 seconds on the other side and drain with a tea towel or a paper towel and boom, goodness and light!
If you are doing that gluten-free thing, then this ain’t the breakfast for you! Your loss! But even the good guys deserve a cheat day!
Bake in Cali made with my recipe!