Malik's Week 28
I don’t want you to be looking back for weeks 1-27, cause they ain’t there! I am so late in the game, but I don’t even care. I found a way to chronicle my time on this here soon to be brown earth that is stress free!
Ya’ll already know how - wait - I read up on categories and tags this week, so maybe someone might actually read this blog post :-D - but ya’ll know how I am with technology and stuff, so taking pictures and trying to make them look half way decent, then finding a way to put them into a blog post was really stifling my creativity, when all I want to do is plop the damn pictures in there and save it somehow. I mean, I have children, plants, pets, homework and housework to do, and ways to avoid cooking, and that takes up a lot of my time. Say something. Anyway, that’s exactly what I’m gonna do. Imma put the pictures of my random ass observations and events from the week in a post and call that George!
Bought a Car, his name is Benny
His full name is actually Benedict Charles, named after a lady we met in St. Croix, she’s 60 and Benny ain’t no spring chicken, so I thought it fit. Plus I needed to downsize to a car with better mileage that I can take car of myself. Since I’m already learning how to fix things in Winnie (Nagib’s cabrio) I thought I should keep it in the #famalaylaylaylaylaylaylaylaylay
Tassa’s snake plant is growing nicely
So this is Tassa’s plant and Bamboozle (his Bamboo plant) - and yes, I do notice that they are just as weird as I am. But check how this plant is just loving himself and the vibe in this room, and then …
Big Bird died, or let us say was hurt on the job… moved him outside to start anew
So Big Bird was put in the hubster’s (god I hate that word) room to knda like vibe check nuh, and this is what happened to him. Toxic af,that fella. Boy bye!
Family in Trinidad sent a picture
That’s Uncle Mano and Kwame and his queen and princess on brother’s balcony in Trinidad. Look life eh, that we’ve been through so much, and still can take time and give thanks for life. This kinda reminds me of the balcony in Ratoma, we would sit there and watch the kids come up the hill with bread for breakfast and think ‘damn, we have so little, and we are still so happy’. So, now I want a balcony at my next house, maybe Limon or Turrialba, but mos def, a balcony! Good times
Saw the sunrise for the first time in my life - late, I know, but so inspiring
Speaking of balconies… this one is from my Mom’s balcony in St. Croix. Finally got to see the sunrise. Damn, I gotta make it to there more often. Imma try to make it to South Beach for the sunrise on April 13th, her earthstrong, yes, and cry!
Went to the courthouse to file my motion to hear my divorce case
So this guy didn’t respond to the divorce petition, so that means I get everything I asked for, which isn’t much. I just want peace of mind and not have to run down my partner for money that goes towards the bills. I’m a simple gyal! So now it’s going to be 4 to 6 more weeks before I actually get a court date. This is how it works (I’m learning) when you go the self-serve route, but lord it’s MUCH CHEAPER than getting a lawyer. And ya’ll already know, I don’t like paying for things I can do or make myself, so, yup.
Tomatoes showed up in my little garden - Tassa is a helluva gardner, but he doesn’t eat vegetables! Wait until he see’s next week’s meal plan (insert evil laugh)
Took pictures of everything in St. Croix, bout to do a makeover! Finna be lit, check us on airbnb to book a few nights - super soulful vacay, for real!
Made chicken lasagna in my trusted crockpot - everything was processed, and they loved it, I was just sick looking at it, but it tasted pretty decent.
Introduced the littles to my pottery haven :-) They love it too, and will be taking classes every Tuesday!
Discovered how easy it is to peel the eggs when you boil them with a bit of baking soda!
Pretended to be a deodorant model
Cleaned the gas grill
Baking soda and vinegar are miracle drugs in this household!
Always have extra kids with me, cause 5 ain’t enough!
The littles actually worked together and made and painted a cafe table - why they’re trying to duplicate Starbucks in the front room is beyond me, but it beats the iPad :-D
Screenshot of a TV living room I love
Realized my dream of using the middle burner on the stove - I’m a simple gyal :-)
Almost bought this dresser from goodwill for $50
Been dreaming of this as a crib for my friends baby, this is how is starts…
My sophisticated filing system
The Universe finds this kinda shit funny…. me too actually! I was sitting outside of the courthouse when I received this message!
You have no idea how difficult this is, and Gus makes you feel soooooo comfortable!
Used strawberries for the first time in my overnight oatmeal, I better like it or I’ll be angry with myself - trying to find a way to make the girl eat it for breakfast, #4 that is
Old ass picture of my Uncle in Trinidad - love that guy! and my brother - I like him too! - are those cows on my shirt??? wtf???
Canceled the cable, cause Musa said millennials don’t pay for that stuff - but I’m too old to be a millennial, but I like saving money, so, yup. Cable gone.
Forced my classmate to work with me on the Statistics project!!! I need to pass this class, I can do the math, just not the software part! Plus, he’s from Tanzania, and I love that flag - and he did sorta verify the 2 husband thing Nagib spoke of :-)
Random friendly af black cat on campus crossed my path, which led me to buy a car this week - can’t even explain how my brain works
OMG, as I scroll down the pictures, I seem like a quack, but who cares?! This is me. Like it or not, or just scroll on by.
Things on My Todo List this week
write 2 blog posts, 1 ed and 1 fun
apply to 2 pinterest boards
walk 3 times for the week
make a soap or something creative
look for a free yoga class
get to the beach
start revising borders for Mental Math products
5 roach and pest pins
I like how cooking and homework never make it to the list, I’m now noticing because that’s because I’m not intentional about it, gonna work on that next week. This blogging thing really is therapeutic.
This song sums it up for me this week :-) Hope you like it, or better yet, hope you’ve heard of it! I started posting a song a day on my instagram, because I can, and even that selection is random af. Maybe I am bipolar???
So as I was getting the link to add to this post, I saw alot of Nipsey talk, which is not how I know this song, because sad to say, I had to call my friend when I started seeing all the Nispey stuff on instagram, because I kept saying to myself, but wait, Nipsey Russell was still alive??? and why are they misspelling his name??? I had no idea who Mr. Hustle was, but of course, it saddens me that we’ve lost another one. For me this song is my cry song (one of many) and I often play it on full blast in the shower, because that’s where most people (or maybe just me) cry everyday. #rip The first line of this song is for my parents #missmyparents
Well I didn’t know how to put the video into the post, so I put this picture of my brown worker man soap, cause I couldn’t find the picture I have of the brown girl with the brown eyes, since the song is named Iris. Yup, you are inside of my brain now. Isn’t it random and crowded AF ??? :-D
Enjoy the week… make sure to purposefully plan out your week for maximum productivity!!! Put out your clothes for the week and make overnight oatmeal for breakfast, it’s a bonafide great starting point!